Today when I got to the Temple there were 7 Monks Chanting. Su What joined the 6 Monks that were Chanting yesterday. The more Monks Chanting the Better. When it came time to Meditate, Gerry (Senior Monk) turned around to see if I was there. Maybe he was deciding how long the Meditation was going to be.
Today I believe Meditation lasted 15 minutes. During that 15 minutes I listened…..first to my breathing in and out. My Deep Breath in is like a wave crashing at the beach. My exhale out is like the water receding back into the ocean. Can I hear my Heartbeat? No, not at that moment. Can I hear my blood pumping through my veins? Not right now. But I can hear Life around me. My eyes are closed. I can hear the cars go down the street. I can hear the hum of the traffic on the freeway in the distance. I can hear a dog barking down the street. I can hear the rooster crowing next door and the chickens clucking. I can hear the crows cawing as they fly over, birds chirping as they fly from tree to tree. And my favorite, the Hummingbird, I can hear them squeak.
Then I heard the timer go off. I listened to the Monks finish Chanting. I heard them say “Hello” to me.
We went back and did some Yoga. There were 3 Monks that did Yoga today. Listening to them speak Thia to each other and laugh. I heard the Monks Laugh when we did Jumping Jacks. I heard the Monks grunt as we held Boat Pose. After Yoga I heard them say Satu, which means “Thank You”.
On my walk home I cut through a field by my house, I wanted to look at all these Eucalyptus Trees that were recently cut down. As I was walking through the cut Trees, I could hear a noise. One I had never heard before. It was like a crackling. I believe those noise were the trees gasping for water. “Just as humans make a noise as they desperately try to gulp air, living trees make ultrasonic popping noises as they draw in as much moisture as possible to survive” -Steve Robson
That is Intense! I am Truly Conscious and Aware. I HEAR A Lot of Life Around Me!
Tomorrow I am going back to those Trees and Smudging with Sage. Try to bring some Positive Energy into that space.
What did you Hear Today? Please Share with Me We all Need to be Aware of Life Going on Around Us.
B L O G = Be Love Our Goal
i also heard my Mom say she is ok today…..I BELIEVE