Handmade Dragonflies, Bees and Hummingbirds

Everything Has Meaning….

The Dragonfly is generally associated with the symbolic meaning of transformation. Here are common meanings for this animal totem:

  • Change and transformation
  • Adaptability
  • Joy, lightness of being
  • Symbol of the realm of emotions, invitation to dive deeper into your feeling
  • Being on the lookout for illusions and deceits, whether are external or personal
  • Connection with nature’s spirits, fairies realm

-When Bee appears in your life the most common message it carries has to do with your levels of productivity. Sometimes we are doing too much, and in others not enough. Bee spirit has a strong work ethic but it also knows the importance of stopping and smelling the flowers. Bee helps with both, and in finding the delicate balance between the two.

-The Hummingbird generally symbolizes joy and playfulness, as well as adaptability. Additional symbolic meanings are:

Lightness of being, enjoyment of life
Being more present
Bringing playfulness and joy in your life
Lifting up negativity
Swiftness, ability to respond quickly
Resiliency, being able to travel great distances tirelessly

You can bring one of these Handmade Loves into Your Home so you can have their Positive Vibration and Spiritual Meaning Always

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