My van is reloaded, just about. It has been over a month since I set up at a market. That is a long time! And it has been over a month since I sold anything /: I need to get back to work, but if you ask me I am not ready!!!!! I really do […]
Monthly Archives: February 2025
Hello, hope whoever is reading this is doing well. I am well myself, back in California but not back to work yet. This Saturday I will set up at the Old Town Temecula Farmers Market. It will be my first market in over a month. My longest break in Spiritual Twist career. I definitely needed […]
Happy Valentines Day! Hope whoever is reading this is doing well and feeling Loved today. I love you… yes you 🙂 If you are reading this then you probably know me and we may have a Spiritual Connection. You are loved!!!!!! This quote today is so good. What we give to others we may need […]
Hello, I love what these two readings have to say so i knew i needed to share them! I will write more about how they speak to me later 🙂 Until then ……. Much Love Dawn
Good Day, It is Saturday, I hope that everyone reading this has a Peaceful and Pleasant Weekend. The start to my Husbands weekend did not go too well. He works on Saturday and was up at his usual 3:30 am. As he was making his coffee in the French Press his arm caught on the […]
Good Day, Hope everyone reading this is doing well. I am doing good. It has been a Busy 4 days! Lots of driving. Drove from California to Cottonwood Az, then to Tucson, then back to Cottonwood. Now i will be at my parents for about a week, hoping to get magical art pieces made and […]
Hello, Today I left my house at 5:30am and drove to my parents house in Az. Everything went fine and i made it in 7.5 hrs. In Az. they don’t do daylight savings so it is an hour later then i am used to right now, but i will get used to it. So about […]
Hello All, Happy February! Can’t believe it is here already. The weather is getting colder here in Southern California, kinda feels like winter. I have been taking a break from markets and social media for a couple of weeks and I am getting a lot of stuff done. Love it! I am attaching my Feb. […]