Good Day!
Hope all is going well with my friends out there. Wanted to share something New that is going on in my world. I got a part time job. I have needed a part time job for a while because Spiritual Twist sales have not been the best in the last year. I hope an increase in sales will happen soon but until then I needed a little extra income. It was really hard to look for a job because i didn’t want to work full time and the part time job hrs were still kinda too much. I do still need time to make Art and do my Markets.
Well the Stars lined up and a customer came to my booth and shared with me she needed someone to help her at her work. I asked what she did, she said so was working at schools showing kids how to breathe, meditate and do yoga. I asked her what day she needed help. She said Tuesday and I said “I can help!”
Yesterday was my first day. Yes, I was scared. The UNKNOWN!!!! I really did not know what i would be doing. I mean I had an idea but I wasn’t sure how it would all flow.
The first class I didn’t participate in the teaching that much. I listened and watched mostly. Connie, the instructor had a plan she was following and her words were so structured and spiritually helpful to the students.
For the second class i was going to take over more of the talking and teaching Yoga poses. The class came in, they were 2nd graders. They were all very sweet and listened and participated well.
Yesterday I helped with 3 classes. I was exhausted by the end of the day. Today I am helping with 2 classes at a High School. Yes, I am a little scared… of the UNKNOWN, but I just Move Through It. And I hope the sentences I start will all end up well!!!!
Thanks for stopping by.
I wondered how your first day went! I was thinking about you. Thanks for sharing, beautiful…but it will probably take some adjustment time too, which is always hard. Love you 💛