Good Day! Hope all is going well with my friends out there. Wanted to share something New that is going on in my world. I got a part time job. I have needed a part time job for a while because Spiritual Twist sales have not been the best in the last year. I hope […]
“Dear March, bring Colors into my life as you bring to the earth.” Welcome March, Welcome Flowers, Welcome More Daylight, Welcome Spring March was the first month of the year in the ancient Roman calendar. It was called Martius, named after Mars, the Roman god of war. Around the year 700 BCE. the Roman king Numa Pompilius introduced January and February into the […]
My van is reloaded, just about. It has been over a month since I set up at a market. That is a long time! And it has been over a month since I sold anything /: I need to get back to work, but if you ask me I am not ready!!!!! I really do […]
Hello, hope whoever is reading this is doing well. I am well myself, back in California but not back to work yet. This Saturday I will set up at the Old Town Temecula Farmers Market. It will be my first market in over a month. My longest break in Spiritual Twist career. I definitely needed […]
Happy Valentines Day! Hope whoever is reading this is doing well and feeling Loved today. I love you… yes you 🙂 If you are reading this then you probably know me and we may have a Spiritual Connection. You are loved!!!!!! This quote today is so good. What we give to others we may need […]
Hello, I love what these two readings have to say so i knew i needed to share them! I will write more about how they speak to me later 🙂 Until then ……. Much Love Dawn
Good Day, It is Saturday, I hope that everyone reading this has a Peaceful and Pleasant Weekend. The start to my Husbands weekend did not go too well. He works on Saturday and was up at his usual 3:30 am. As he was making his coffee in the French Press his arm caught on the […]
Good Day, Hope everyone reading this is doing well. I am doing good. It has been a Busy 4 days! Lots of driving. Drove from California to Cottonwood Az, then to Tucson, then back to Cottonwood. Now i will be at my parents for about a week, hoping to get magical art pieces made and […]
Hello, Today I left my house at 5:30am and drove to my parents house in Az. Everything went fine and i made it in 7.5 hrs. In Az. they don’t do daylight savings so it is an hour later then i am used to right now, but i will get used to it. So about […]
Hello All, Happy February! Can’t believe it is here already. The weather is getting colder here in Southern California, kinda feels like winter. I have been taking a break from markets and social media for a couple of weeks and I am getting a lot of stuff done. Love it! I am attaching my Feb. […]