How in the world can a rock help us to heal?

The idea of a stone healing a human being must seem ridiculous to anyone who has yet to experience it. Anything and everything is a potential healer. Our entire bodily system is nothing more than energy that shows up in various patterns and densities. Our thoughts and our feelings are connected to our physical bodies and have a density of their own. We are all built pretty much the same. Diversity has its place, and we are all individuals, yet nature created patterns that work the same in all of us to keep our hearts beating, our blood flowing, and so on.

When these patterns of energy work together in a balanced way then we experience our health.These patterns can be disrupted. When this happens we experience poor health. This can be anything from a headache to the worst that you can imagine in terms of poor health, even disease. Hence the popular splitting of the word (dis-ease) for harmony feels good and disharmony doesn’t. Balance is easy on us, and imbalances feel not at ease, or dis-eased. Nature will heal itself if it can. It will if we let it. It is ourselves who distort this harmony with our lop-sided outlooks and behavior. Correcting this lop-sidedness one way or another is what healing is all about. Healing it in a natural way is much preferred.

Gemstones radiate pure patterns. Gemstones resonate with unmatched consistency. Gemstones sing their incredible songs of structure, balance, wavelength and frequency and can bring us back into harmony. Raw energy establishes patterns on an initial primal scale when it takes the form of subatomic particles. These particles combine and cooperate to produce atoms, molecules and minerals. Mother Nature ushers forth all that is possible in the natural world, building up its complexity from the mineral kingdom to the plant kingdom and on to the animal kingdom. As human beings, our bodies are an incredible and complex masterpiece of nature’s organization and balance.

Gemstones are living creatures. They are active participants in nature. Protons, neutrons and electrons are flying around in an absolute bliss of balance and participation, upholding patterns of sacred geometry. Yes, geometry is sacred because nothing could be built in the natural world without it. Biology is math. Nature is an exploration of possibility through patterns that work in balance, creating the living, behaving, and interactive world that we all live in—in and through.

– Benjamin Dean


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