Do You See?

Yes! I See…..
The messages that were coming to me today through people.
Let me see if I can fill you in on whats going on.
The last couple of years sales have been down in my Small Business. I am not the only one who is seeing and feeling it. Many, or should I say Most of my Vendor/ Small Business Friends are feeling the lack of sales. We show up and we do our best. In my head i am trying to figure out what more can i add to the business? Bags, Tie Dye Ts, Socks, Scrunchies, Gnomes, Dolls and more! The last couple of years i feel like i have added so many new things to Spiritual Twist, maybe i am spreading myself too thin?!
So maybe I should cut back on making things. Only do Gnomes in November. And tie dyes will be in July. Limit myself to doing these extra items. This is what I have been telling myself and sharing with a few friends.
Now lets get to today. At the Market I had a person who had bought a Gnome from me and she was looking for another. I didn’t have any because i was cutting back. The ones i have were going to stay at home until November. I also sold 3 Bags! And I would have Sold More if I had more. I also got a Special Request bag I am going to have done by next Tuesday. And another Special Request bag that will be done by Christmas.
So what am I saying here? Sometimes we just don’t know! And thats Ok. What i saw today were Universal signs saying continue doing what you love.
Like on the pages I posted in the picture “being aware that everything is how it should be even if it doesn’t make sense.” Or ” now is the time to surrender to not knowing.”
If you are going through a time like me where you think you need to change a lot of things to make it all better STOP! Give it some time, go with the flow, let it be.
Things will workout.
Yes, I Do See!!!!!

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