Very Comfortable

I was going through boxes. Trying to get rid of things I do not use. I open a box and see it is full of brand new picture frames. A couple of 5x7s, a few 4x6s and ones that are even smaller. I picked up these frames a long time ago. There was a photo shop that was going out of business. Nobody needed negatives developed anymore. Everthing was going digital.

Back to the box….. I thought of my friend Crystal. I wonder if she could use these?

My friend Crystal is an Artist. Her work is Free Flowing. Paper, Pen, Ink. Dots and Lines. Thin and Thick.  Straight, Curved, Circles and Spirals. Her work is Original and Unique. Each picture she creates is One of a Kind.

Crystal says she will take a look at the frames. We meet at the coffee shop she likes to spend time at. I get there and she is sitting at a table outside. She is Drawing. There are couple of Friends she has brought to Inspire and Encourage her as she works on her Art. Stardust the Dragon and Cuppa the Amethyst Hedgie. I totally get Crystal….. I have a Van full of Muppets.

She opens the box of frames, takes a look and says she can use them. Great! We sit outside and chat for a while. The coffee shop we are at is in the older part of town.  The weather was beautiful that day. As we are sitting there I get this feeling like I am back in Arizona. In the town I grew up in. It feels comfortable… At that moment everything feels Very Comfortable.  

A location, the weather, a friend, good energy….

It can be for a brief moment or an extended amount of time. 

I am Grateful when I have times like that. 

When Everything Feels Very Comfortable. 

B  L  O  G

Be  Love  Our  Goal

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