Colorful Chakra Clips

Color is Vibration and Vibration is Energy Bring some Color into your Life by adding a Colorful Chakra Clip to your wardrobe! You can clip it in your hair, clip on your scarf or blouse or clip it anywhere you need too add some Color and Positive Energy. We are Affected by each Color’s Vibration Frequency. […]

Evil Eye

The Evil Eye dates back about 3000 years to Ancient Greece and Rome. it is one of the Strongest Symbolic Images in the world. The Evil Eye has symbolism in almost every country and in every religion, such as Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Buddhism and Christianty. Wearing the Evil Eye is Believed to Provide Protection Against […]

Earth Day June 22, 2017

Earth Day is an annual event created to celebrate the planet’s environment and raise public awareness about pollution. The day, marked on April 22, is observed worldwide with rallies, conferences, outdoor activities and service projects. It is important to be Aware of Earth Day because our planet is truly a magnificent place. The Earth is an […]

First Weekend of April

A lot has happened to Spiritual Twist this first weekend of April! Did 2 Farmers Markets, one Saturday in Old Town Temecula,Ca. and one Sunday in Murrieta,Ca. Both days the Spring weather was Beautiful and the people who stopped by the booth were all Super Sweet. Another Big thing that happened this weekend was the […]